How to be a Child?

Continuing the visual theme of Childhood in this exhibition, the artist adds text to explore the impact of the Catholic Church supported by the major state institutions on children in 1950s and 60s Ireland.

Mantra 124x124 cm Acrylic on board
Prayers like the Hail Mary mindlessly repeated, chanted daily, a jumbled mantra
Mantra detail


The Catechism, learned by heart was the source of beliefs about the world and its workings

Original Sin 124x124 cm Acrylic on board
Original Sin detail

What is Original Sin? 
Because of Original Sin our intellect is darkened, our will is weakened, our passions incline us to evil and we are subject to suffering and death. (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

Why God made the World 62x62 cm Acrylic
Why did God make the world? 
God made the world for His Own Glory and Man's use and benefit.  (Catechism of the Catholic Church)


Crosses 30x30 cm Acylic on board
Matriarch 100x198 cm Tryptich
Numbered 30x30 cm Acrylic on board
Memento MR 36x36 cms Carborundum Print